A Catholic Adventurer
The Catholic Adventure
On the Death Penalty

On the Death Penalty

Did Pope Francis Change Church Teaching on the Death Penalty, or has he Maintained it? What IS That Teaching, Anyway? (Description and Notes are below)


If life is sacred, does that mean capital punishment is wrong? Is killing a guilty person as tragic as killing an innocent, unborn one? Many Catholics believe Pope Francis modfied Church teaching on the death penalty.cBut in this episode I explain that the Church’s teaching has been, and remains consistent. I explain exactly what that teaching is, and why the Holy Father has maintained, not altered the Church’s teaching on the death penalty.

Article used in the episode: What Does the Church Teach About the Death Penalty?


Catholic theology is very old, layered, and complex. Even theologians never fully master it. Pope Francis has brought to light many facets and truths of Catholic theology and consistent Catholic teaching that were previously unknown to many Catholic faithful. His teaching regarding the death penalty is one of many examples.

In much the same way that cleaning out an old closet brings to surface objects, clothing and memories that we had long forgotten about (but which existed nevertheless), calling on the timeless teachings of the faith, and the dense theology and philosophy they are based on can often be surprising to us.

It is prudent for us to maintain an open mind, and a spirit of trust in the vicar of Christ, despite what our personal opinions of him and his leadership may be. There is so much for us to learn. We may not always like how the Pope teaches it, and we may take issue with how he’s teaching it, but let us never pass on the opportunity to learn. St. Augustine said that we see God with the mind first. The mind is ultimately what separates us from everything else in creation, including the animals. The more informed our minds are, the better guided our wills are, and the more we are empowered to conform our lives to Jesus, and to convert our nature to become more like God.

God bless you all.

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A Catholic Adventurer
The Catholic Adventure
On the Adventure of Living Life as a Catholic. The podcast supplements articles that help you alone the path and on the adventure of becoming saints.