A Catholic Adventurer
The Catholic Adventure
Debate: Does the Soul Exist?

Debate: Does the Soul Exist?

Episode 2 of The Dialogue - A podcast that I co-host with an atheist.

This isn’t something I would normally post here, but I thought you would enjoy it. I co-host a podcast called The Dialogue with an atheist named Cal Kane. This first season of the show is “Life and Death” and the episodes discuss important topics related to that subject.

The final episode of the season will be a debate on the morality and ethics of euthanasia. One component to that argument will be the value of the human soul (human person). So here in episode #2 we begin the groundwork of that episode by debating the question “Does the Human Soul Exist?”

You can find the podcast on its website and on Spotify. Other channels coming soon.


”The Catholic Adventurer” and atheist Cal Kane debate the question of the existence of the human soul. Is there evidence that the soul exists? Can its existence be proven or disproven, and how?

We discuss out of body experiences and whether they demonstrate the reality of the soul, or if they're just fascinating phenomena of the human brain. We also debate (very fiery!) if humans, made in God's image, are merely really smart animals.

We packed a lot in this episode and also had a few laughs. 

Follow us on X @forthequeenBVM and @RealCalKane to get the full experience. 

A Catholic Adventurer
The Catholic Adventure
On the Adventure of Living Life as a Catholic. The podcast supplements articles that help you alone the path and on the adventure of becoming saints.